Heiligabend im Café zum Lila Kakadu, the German version of Christmas at the Purple Owl Café (and yes, there is a reason I changed the species of bird for the German edition) is so new that it doesn’t even have a book page here at Pegasus Pulp yet, just a draft page over at the Cora Buhlert site.
I will make the official announcement, once the book is available at all retailers. But in the meantime, Amazon DE customers have already found it, probably because Amazon DE finally added a “lesbian fiction” subcategory for its German language store.
What is more, the book has already hit the top 5 in the new lesbian fiction subcategory:
- Amazon Bestseller-Rang: #2.256 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
- Nr. 4 in Kindle-Shop > eBooks > Belletristik > Populäre Belletristik > Schwul & Lesbisch > Lesbisch
- Nr. 280 in Kindle-Shop > eBooks > Liebesromane > Zeitgenössisch
- Nr. 1174 in Bücher > Belletristik > Liebesromane