Drunken and rude passengers aboard a plane are a nightmare. But it’s even worse when you happen to be the unlucky person seated right next to a rude drunkard. And once the rude drunkard starts to harass you, it’s easy to lose your temper. Particularly if that rude drunkard is not even remotely your type…
Read an excerpt.
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Some background information:
- Pissed is a short story of 2400 words. This story may also be found in the collection Flights of Madness.
- Pissed was inspired by sitting across the aisle of a heavily drunk young man on a flight from Amsterdam to Newcastle. And yes, the real life Mr Fully Loaded did speak in a slurred Geordie accent and he did order and was served another beer on the flight. And since it was a KLM flight, the beer really was Heineken.
- The real life Mr. Fully Loaded was almost as annoying as his fictional counterpart. Though he did not harass me and unlike the narrator in the story, I did not stab him with a ballpoint pen.
- The title is a play on the double meaning of “pissed” as “drunk” in colloquial British usage as well as “pissed off”.
- The unnamed narrator of Pissed is a lesbian woman. This makes Pissed one of two stories with lesbian protagonists I have written. The other is Outlaw Love, by the way.
- The cover photo was taken by a German photographer only known as fcl1971 and shows the waiting area at what is likely Frankfurt/Main International Airport.

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