The catch of the day at the Croaking Foghorn is not at all as expected…
Strange things keep happening in the permanently fog-shrouded seaside town of Hallowind Cove, earning it the nickname “Harbour of the Weird”.
Paul and Rachel’s date at The Croaking Foghorn pub is derailed, when it turns out that local fisherman Eddie Bramwell brought home no fish, but one hell of a story.
But Paul has one hell of a story of his own to tell and he’s not at all sure how Rachel will react.
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More information:
- The Mermaid of Foghorn Point is a short story of 3400 words or approximately 14 print pages. This story is a digital premiere and has never been published previously.
- The Mermaid of Foghorn Point is one of the stories to come out of the 2018 July short story challenge, where the aim was to write a short story per day in July 2018. In fact, three of five Hallowind Cove stories to date were July short story challenge stories.
- Like several of the July short story challenge stories, The Mermaid of Foghorn Point was inspired by an image, namely this piece of fantasy art by Axel Sauerwald, where some fishermen make a most unexpected catch. Inspired by the image, I started writing a story about a fisherman returning to harbour and explaining to a customer why he came back empty-handed. After a few paragraphs, I realised that this was the perfect Hallowind Cove story.
- Eddie Bramwell, the luckless fisherman, first appears in The Cursed Arm of Driftwood Beach. Paul, Rachel, Ian, Old Hank and Hugo the talking raven are Hallowind Cove regulars by this point.
- The Mermaid of Foghorn Point is a direct sequel to The Bakery on Gloomland Street, because Paul and Rachel bonded over a shared adventure in that story and even shared a kiss at the end. The Mermaid of Foghorn Point now chronicles their first real date (which goes about as well as such things go in Hallowind Cove).
- Paul’s villainous ancestor, wrecker leader Jedediah MacQuarie, was first introduced in The Revenant of Wrecker’s Dock, along with the vengeful revenant and its vendetta against the wreckers and their descendants.
- The cover is a mermaid graphic by Moloko88 inside the usual porthole template.