When Caroline Murray is found dead in an underground parking garage with a needle in her arm, the case seems clear. Caroline died of a drug overdose.
However, everybody who knew Caroline insists that she was vehemently opposed to drugs and would never have taken any. And what was Caroline doing at 544 Grant Road, a building to which she had no known connection?
Detective Inspector Helen Shepherd is quickly convinced that Caroline Murray’s death was not a simple drug overdose. But who had reason to want Caroline dead and why?
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Some background information:
- Overdose is a novelette of 7700 words. This story is a digital premiere and has never been published previously.
- Like Old Mommark’s Tale, The Iron Border , Seeing Red, and The Cork and the Bottle, this story was written in response to the eight-hour e-book challenge instigated by Joe Konrath and continued by a bunch of people at KBoards. For information about the eight hour e-book challenge, see this website run by Donald Rump.
- Overdose also marks the second appearance of Detective Inspector Helen Shepherd, her assistant Police Constable Kevin Walker (who acquires a first name in this story) and forensic medical examiner Dr. Rajiv. All three characters were introduced in The Cork and the Bottle, a previous eight hour e-book challenge story.
- When looking for inspiration for an eight hour challenge story, I remembered a fake overdose plot I’d read in a crime story somewhere and decided to borrow it.
- After coming up with the Nu-U Clinic, I realised that I had accidentally given my plastic surgery clinic the same name, albeit with hipper spelling, as the plastic surgery clinic briefly seen in the film Logan’s Run. So I decided to run with the parallels and named the slimy plastic surgeon after Michael Anderson Jr., the actor who played the doctor in Logan’s Run. The receptionist is not just modeled after Farah Fawcett, who played the clinic receptionist in Logan’s Run, the character’s name is also a combination of Ms. Fawcett’s surname and Jill, the name of her character in Charlie’s Angels.
- Bryan Overton, boss of the late Caroline Murray, is seen wearing a Game of Thrones t-shirt.
- Methiovalizine, the substance which kills Caroline, is not a real drug, but an entirely fictional substance.
- The cover image is a stock photo by Dutch photographer Iwan Beijes.

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