It hasn’t been all that long since the last new release announcement and already we have another new story to announce. Nor will this be the last new release announcement for the foreseeable future, for Pegasus Pulp is planning to release at least three more new titles for the Christmas season.
But for now we present you another science fiction tale. The premise for this story is simple. What if the sort of alien invasion via flying saucer depicted in 1950s B-movies really happened? And what if there were eye witness accounts?
Acacia Crescent is one of those eye witness accounts, related from the POV of a ten-year-old boy experiencing the worst day of his life. And no, the flying saucers are not the reason why it was the worst day of his life.
1956. In the quiet suburb of Shady Groves, a ten year old boy watches as both his parents are murdered, shot down by a mafia enforcer. And the mob is not inclined to leave any witnesses behind. However, an invasion from outer space may just prove to be one little boy’s salvation…
For more information, visit the Acacia Crescent page.
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