Once again, we have a new release to announce. This time around, it’s a novelette of psychological suspense called Insomnia, which chronicles one man’s growing madness and paranoia all due to his sudden inability to sleep.
Those of you who care about such things will notice that the Barnes & Noble buy link is already live and that there is a link for Apple iTunes (the one mayor vendor where our books are not yet available) that is not yet live. This is all due to a new distribution service called Draft2Digital, which is proving to be much faster than XinXii or Smashwords at getting books into Barnes & Noble and which does not require an ISBN for iTunes. If you’re an indie writer, check them out.
And now the book:
Shortly after moving to Century Courts Apartments, banker Marc Taylor finds himself unable to sleep. At first, he quite enjoys the additional time his chronic insomnia gives him. But as the weeks wear on, Marc craves nothing more than sleep. However, neither his doctor nor his therapist are able to help him. Even worse, his bizarre nocturnal habits are alarming the neighbours. And in those long sleepless nights, Marc gradually begins to suspect that his new neighbours are hatching a nefarious plan to get rid of him.
Paranoia is a well known consequence of chronic insomnia. But that Marc is paranoid doesn’t necessarily mean that his neighbours aren’t really out to get him. Or does it?
Visit the dedicated Insomnia page for more information.
Buy it for the low price of 2.99 USD, EUR or 1.99 GBP at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Amazon Spain, Amazon Italy, Amazon Canada, Amazon Brazil, Amazon Japan, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple iTunes, Casa del Libro, W.H. Smith, DriveThruFiction, OmniLit/AllRomance ebooks and XinXii.
More formats coming soon.