April e-book sales figures and a signal boost

Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s blog has been hacked and infected with malware mere hours after she posted the latest installment in her Business Rusch series on royalty statements and problematic accounting practices in the publishing industry. A second, unconnected blog where Kristine Kathryn Rusch reposted the post in question was hacked as well, which seems fishy to say the least.

The post has been reposted at The Passive Voice and in plenty of other places around the web, so spread the word and boost the signal.

What is more, my upload issues with OmniLit/AllRomance e-books have been resolved and Muse & Crisis is now available in all formats over there.

Finally, here are my e-book sales figures for April 2012. Plenty of indie writers report lower sales in April, but for me they have been going up slightly. In April 2012, I sold 15 e-books across all platforms. Coincidentally, I also received my first return.

The detailed breakdown is as follows:

Amazon.com: 11
Amazon UK: 4

My latest release Seraglio started off quite well with four copies sold, The Apocalypse Protocol finally made its first sale and sales on the Silencer stories are finally picking up with five Silencer stories sold in April.

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