First of all, I am interviewed by John Warner at the Indie Book Spot today, where I talk about writing, goals, the ebook market, KDP Select, etc… Come on over and say hello.
Jim Kukral of the Author Marketing Club discusses the pros and cons of KDP Select at the Huffington Post. I am quoted in the article.
Meanwhile, the PayPal versus erotica issue seems to have been resolved to the satisfaction of e-book vendors and erotica writers, for PayPal has announced that they will only go after problematic erotica on a case by case basis and that their policies concern images more than purely written erotica. PayPal’s official statement is here and here is the announcement by Mark Coker of Smashwords. So all of those loud and thudding indie writers made a difference after all.
Though not everything is fine and dandy for erotica writers. Selena Kitt reports about random filtering of erotica titles at Amazon and vague and contradictory policies of payment processors.
Catherine Ryan Hyde has a great interview with Barry Eisler on her blog. Lots of good stuff there about indie publishing, cover design and also about the many Fails that pop up online and the often out of proportion attacks on those who are perceived to have failed in some way or other. Both Barry Eisler and Catherine Ryan Hyde have been at the receiving end of such situations.
More from Barry Eisler: In this article on his website, he discusses titles, cover design and book packaging in general.
At David Gaughran’s blog, Matthew Iden discusses how the indie publishing revolution has made previously unsellable fiction lengths such as novellas or mega monster doorstoppers not written by George R.R. Martin viable again. Considering that all of my published e-books so far are short stories and novelettes I certainly agree.
While on the subject of shorter e-books, Paid Content reports that Amazon claims to have sold more than two million so-called Amazon Singles, an Amazon edited program for essay length e-books that seems to be aimed mainly at non-fiction. They have also interviewed individual Amazon Single authors about their sales figures.