February 2012 E-Book Sales Figures and Some Links

After a pretty good December and January, my February e-book sales were back to miserable, though a last minute sale saved February from being my worst month ever. So now February is tied with August 2011 for the title of worst month ever with 8 e-book sales across all platforms.

The detailed sales breakdown is as follows:

Amazon US: 4
Amazon UK: 2
Amazon DE: 1
DriveThruFiction: 1

What’s notable here is that Non-Amazon sales and Amazon DE sales remained constant. Amazon UK sales are on the low end, but still within normal range. However, sales on Amazon.com collapsed. I have no idea why this is.

And now for some links:

David Gaughran has a fascinating post about the Amazon bestseller and popularity lists (which are not the same thing), how they work and how KDP Select can affect ranking on the popularity list.

J.W. Manus has a great post about how even the tech-challenged can design their own covers and self-publish their own stories and why every writer should give it a try.

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