The Guardian has run two articles on indie publishing this week.
The first is a profile of Amanda Hocking to tie in with the upcoming paperback release of her novel Switched in the US and UK. Amanda Hocking’s story has been told many times by now, but this is nonetheless a nice article, unlike the grossly condescending profile in the New York Times a while back, about which I wrote on the main blog.
The second article is about indie publishing in general and Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing in particular and profiles three little to unknown British indie writers of varying success levels, namely crime writer Kerry Wilkinson who just crossed the one hundred thousand books mark, western writer Tricia Bracher who is only just getting started, and Mark King, a Guardian journalist turned science fiction writer. I prefer the second article, because inspiring as Amanda Hocking’s story is to all of us, it’s been told dozens of times before. But the stories of Kerry Wilkinson, Tricia Bracher and Mark King are new.

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