I finally set up the Cora Buhlert author pages on Amazon.com, Amazon UK and Amazon Germany. The XinXii author page has been online for a while.
What’s a bit annoying is that you have to set up the author pages for all three Amazon affiliates separately. I initially only did an author page for Amazon Germany, because that’s where my main account is, and figured it would be syndicated to Amazon US and UK. Alas, no such luck. Still, this way I get to have a German bio on the Amazon Germany page and an English bio on the US and UK pages.
Supposedly, there will also be a feed from my main blog on the Amazon.com author page, though that’s not yet working. The Amazon UK and Amazon Germany author pages don’t yet offer a blog feed, though they all offer a Twitter feed.
I suspect I may have to get a Twitter account after all, even though Twitter is not really something I’m particularly interested in.