Open for Business

It has taken a while, but Pegasus Pulp is finally open for business. If you want to know more, visit out About us and FAQ page.

You can also visit Cora’s website and blog for regular updates.

Finally, we are launching with the following three e-books for sale:

The Other Side of the Curtain, a thrilling spy tale set in East Germany in 1966

Outlaw Love, a tale of hangings and lesbian bandits in the Old West

Rites of Passage, a coming of age story set in a pirate society on a world with two moons

Buy our books at, Amazon UK and Amazon Germany with more formats coming soon. If the books are not yet live, please be patient and check back tomorrow.

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10 Responses to Open for Business

  1. Cora says:

    Just testing whether the comment function works.

  2. Estara says:

    Congratulations on opening! Are you using the royal we or do you already have other authors lined up?

    • Cora says:

      Thanks for the congrats.

      For the moment, the “we” is royal (to make it sound as if there is more than one person involved here), but there may be other authors in the future. I know a couple of English language writers from university and the university lit mag can’t handle works longer than 3000 to 4000 words.

  3. Fla says:

    I’ve just bought “The other side of the curtain” from; it seems pretty interesting…
    Best wishes for your business!

  4. Pingback: 2011 – Year of the Indie | Pegasus Pulp

  5. Pingback: Our One Year Anniversary | Pegasus Pulp

  6. Pingback: Pegasus Pulp is one year old! | Cora Buhlert

  7. Pingback: Our Two Year Anniversary | Pegasus Pulp

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